The effects of climate change are profoundly felt in CEH’s areas of operation. Recurrent droughts and changing rainfall patterns are disrupting traditional livelihoods and pushing communities deeper into poverty. CEH’s Climate Change and Resilience program aims to build adaptive capacity among communities, promoting environmental sustainability and climate-resilient livelihoods.
Program Goals:

  • Increase the resilience of vulnerable communities to climatic shocks through sustainable agricultural practices and resource management.
  • Promote climate adaptation strategies that enhance food security and livelihood diversification.
  • Advocate for climate justice and support policy reforms to address the unique vulnerabilities of arid regions.

Key Activities:

Sustainable Agriculture: Training farmers on drought-tolerant crops, soil conservation, and water-efficient farming techniques.

Water Resource Management: Establishing rainwater harvesting systems and rehabilitating degraded water sources.

Reforestation and Agroforestry: Promoting tree planting and sustainable land use practices to combat desertification.

Ecosystem restoration and climate adaptation: Mapping out water sources, rangelands, soil quality and other natural resources.

Formation of Village Savings and loans Associations: Sustainable Energy Solutions: introducing renewable energy technologies such solar, efficient cooking stoves etc.

Gender sensitive climate resilience initiatives: Addressing specific vulnerabilities of women and marginalized groups in climate change programs and ensuring access to resources and leadership opportunities.

Livelihood Support: Through income-generating projects such as poultry farming, beadwork, and small-scale businesses, CEH supports households in improving their income and economic resilience.


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